Tuesday, 1/26/10

Exclusive Q+A with Moment Factory

A little update from,

On March 19th 2010, we will be holding a quite unique screening of "Another Version Of The Truth" in Montréal, Québec, at L'Hémisphère Gauche. For the occasion, we're pleased to announce we will have special guests straight from Moment Factory.

If you remember correctly, Moment Factory are the tech wizards behind the Lights In The Sky tour's incredible video system which allowed the band actual interactivity with the video content, something no one had ever done in a touring rock show.

After the screening, we will be holding a 30 minutes interview with the kind folks of MF. We will be asking them your questions. You may submit your questions right now at

The interview will be recorded in its entierety and will subsequently be available on YouTube and possibly as a DVD-Torrent on

You may remember the short documentary featurette the company previously released on YouTube a while ago. Well, about a year ago I contacted them because I was trying to gather bonus material for AVOTT, and they generously gave us an exclusive HD copy of an extended cut of that same documentary. This 9 minutes version is featured on our Bonus Disc, to be released over the next few days as a digital download. In order to motivate your imagination and hopefully produce relevant questions, here is that documentary.

We're eagerly awaiting your questions. You can check out other screenings of AVOTT around the world on our screenings page. And look out for the release of the bonus disc on Twitter, which will feature more of the same kind of amazing stuff.

EDIT : While we prepare the DVD torrent, all of the bonus material is currently being added to YouTube. Use this playlist.
Friday, 1/22/10

Video for "The Passenger" remix from the Book of Eli Soundtrack

Hot on the heels of our feature on the Book of Eli Soundtrack, I've received a link to this video of a previously unremix of the track "The Passenger", with visuals by Rupert Sanders, whose work you may have seen somewhat recently in the form of those gritty live-action Halo 3 ODST commercials. If you pre-order the vinyl copy of the album from, you'll get a digital copy of this remix. (Don't say it, I know what you're thinking.) The vinyl edition of the soundtrack comes out February 16th, and is no doubt going to be a very limited run.

Without any further adieu, here's the video clip as hosted on Brightcove, so watch it while you still can.

Wednesday, 1/20/10

We gots free copies of the soundtrack for The Book of Eli for you

We're not exactly scooping anyone with the news that Atticus Ross (a producer, engineer, and very occasional performer in the NIN camp) is behind the soundtrack for a movie that's recently come out, The Book of Eli. However, after hearing the news, I checked it out, and thought it was worth sharing that info with you. In fact, I went rooting around in my contact list and managed to pull together a giveaway, involving CDs, dogtags and tshirts. But even before getting that together, I had drawn up an article I wanted to post - Atticus Ross has had his fingers in a number of interesting pies over the last decade, and this one's pretty tasty.

Interested? Read our feature piece here. That's where you'll find the contest details, along with some shameless affiliate links where you can buy the soundtrack if you like what you hear.

With that, we return to our regularly scheduled quiet stretch.
Monday, 1/18/10

On the drums, Josh Freese

The always-amazing Josh Freese posted a video on YouTube today compiled with footage via Flip cameras set up around his drumset of him playing "Wish" during the Lights In The Sky tour from Dec. '08. Two words sum this video up: KICK. ASS. Enjoy.

Saturday, 1/16/10

TR-Signed AIR Ammo Box auction for Haiti Relief

NINAIRAmmoBoxOur very own ItsJustDave has generously put forth a very, VERY rare AIR Ammo Box from the Year Zero ARG campaign from his own personal collection that was signed by Trent Reznor at the 6/10/2009 NINJA concert at the Post Gazette Pavillion. 100% of the winnings will be donated to the American Red Cross to help support Haiti after the staggering earthquakes the country was recently hit with.

The auction has a little under 5 days left so bid soon and bid high because a collector's item like this is something few and far between. Check out the auction at and head to to learn more about what you can do to help out the relief effort in Haiti.

NIN Historian Updating

Even with NIN off touring the news still keeps flowing in.. want to thank the thisoneisonus crew for the time, effort to document and share the Another Version of the Truth!

Just wanted to let you know NIN Historian is still working as well. If you haven't been over to visit for a while come on and take a look. There have been quite a few additions and a few minor format changes.

Each Tour Pass Links (I was behind)
Fragility Uncut Pass Sheets Link
Tickets Links Re-organized
"For Sale" Link to garnish something for yourself

Check it out here:NIN Historian Site
Friday, 1/15/10

Another Version of the Truth: The Gift now streaming on Pitchfork TV

You may remember that in 2008 Pitchfork TV broadcastThe Slip with a series of rehearsal-style videos. The site is currently showcasing songs from the (now critically acclaimed) fan-made Another Version of the Truth: The Gift. Watch the mini-film here - for one week only!

You can read a quick blurb on how it came about by...well, me here
Tuesday, 1/05/10

Rob Sheridan posts about AVOTT: The Gift on

Rob Sheridan posted an update to today regarding the release of TOIOU's AVOTT: The Gift. From -
"Our 2008 Lights In The Sky tour was an ambitious multimedia production on a scale well beyond anything we'd ever attempted before. Everyone involved was extremely proud of how it came together, and we were devastated when, for a variety of reasons, we were unable to capture it professionally for a theatrical or commercial release. As a "plan B" of sorts, early last year we released a massive 405gb free download of raw HD footage captured at three different shows during the tour. The idea was to get the footage out in the wild and see what our notoriously enterprising fans could do with it. There were no rules. No strings attached. This was a gift, and an experiment, and for the past year we've watched it come to life in more ways than we could have ever imagined.

"Fans have edited thousands of videos from the footage, assembled their own DVDs and live albums, even held theatrical screenings of their creations. And now, the ambitious and well-organized group known as This One Is On Us have released their massive, highly-anticipated creation, Another Version of the Truth: The Gift.

"For 12 months, a core team of dozens of fans and a network of thousands spanning the entire globe pooled their efforts to create this professional-quality 1080p 5.1 concert film, and have released it in every format from Blu-ray and DVD to iPod and YouTube. It combines footage from all three shows and includes DVD menus, bonus footage, a PDF booklet, and more. That something of this scale was produced entirely by fans, on their own time, purely for the sake of giving something back to the community, is absolutely unprecedented. You can read all about the project and find all the download links here, or watch it immediately on YouTube here. Theatrical screenings are already being organized, you can find more info about those here.

"This is yet another example of a devoted fanbase and a policy of openness combining to fill in blanks left by old media barriers. The entire NIN camp is absolutely thrilled that treating our fans with respect and nurturing their creativity has led to such an overwhelming outpour of incredible content, and that we now have such a high quality souvenir from our most ambitious tour ever. Or, as Trent simply put it, 'Nine Inch Nails fans kick ass.'"
If you liked it, make sure you DIGG the update!
Saturday, 1/02/10

More auctions and other headlines

Some of these updates are a little behind due to the holidays and Leviathant not being around to remind me to update regularly since he's currently climbing pyramids and hanging out with mummies in Egypt. Apologies for the laziness, and now, the news.

STFU FRAGILEDon't look now, but another green Fragility guitar has been added to the NIN Garage Sale on eBay; this time it has two knobs. Could this be THE hysterics-inducing guitar seen in the video a few updates below this one? The only way to find out will be to bid, so go nuts folks! Click here to possibly go insane and spend tons of money.

If you head to, you'll find an update from Trent about what's to come in 2010. Here's some text -
"Happy holidays everyone and thank you for an exceptional year! Sorry I haven't been around much lately, I've been working on not working for a couple of months, which for me is hard work. 2010 has a number of things planned including new material from nine inch nails and something else that isn't nine inch nails. I am in a state of rediscovery and reinvention that feels unfamiliar, unsure and exactly what I need."
You'll also find some new YouTube & Vimeo video links as well. Head to either channel (Vimeo, YouTube) to check out performances of "Last," "Somewhat Damaged," "I'm Afraid Of Americans" & "The Way Out Is Through" from the Wave Goodbye tour.

There's a new documentary coming out this Summer called "Fix: The Ministry Movie" about industrial rockers, Ministry. The movie features an interview with Trent Reznor among others such as Maynard James Keenan, Dave Navarro & Jonathan Davis. Check out the trailer at (And FYI, there's some NSFW-ish footage in the trailer so proceed with caution).