Tuesday November 28, 2000

Trent posts @ concerning DVD & Touring

In a post at the green room at nin:access, TR brings us up to date on things that are going down at Nothing Studios. I've received many emails / messages regarding how the online chat works from my end - so here's the deal. When the chat occurs, I get a phone call from someone who asks me questions that THEY have chosen from a list that only they see. I am not even at a computer, I have to speak slowly so they can type it in, and they tend to paraphrase my answers (which often results in nonsense, or a lack of the intended irony!) There was no intention of avoiding DVD questions, none were asked that made it through to me. So... The DVD project has been moved to a 1st quarter 2001 release. Rob Sheriden is directing and editing and we've put the entire thing together ourselves in-house - and we needed some time away from it to regain objectivity. It will also be available on VHS and as an audio CD with different configurations! As far as any other news, we are working full time in the studio reinventing ourselves and preparing for some degree of touring the first part of 2001. Meanwhile, get your ass out to see Manson on tour - it's a great show! Trent That really sums up the biggest questions floating around as of late. Good stuff :)