Monday May 22, 2000

The NIN Hotline exclusive interview with Kim Prevost

Continuing to bring you a look into the lesser-touched-on sides of Nine Inch Nails, we're proud to bring you an exclusive interview with Kim Prevost, the name you might recognize from Into the Void and The Day The World Went Away.Prevost sang backing vocals to these tracks, and to many NIN fans, she may be a new name amongst the credits, she is well known amongst the New Orleans jazz scene, and 1999 winner of the BET National Jazz Discovery Award. Check out the interview, which was conducted Sunday by Nancy Lockyear. Well worth the reading :)And if you didn't already know - we interviewed Alan Moulder, who co-produced The Fragile in mid-January, and conducted another exclusive interview, this time with programmer Keith Hillebrandt in mid-February. We've got more coming up, pending a sluggish approval process, but we hope you're enjoying these specials :)