Sunday April 30, 2000

More positive press for Nine Inch Nails

This news comes redirected from our friend Commy, who runs ThePerfectDrug. On a tour related note, Commy received some mail from Kaoru, who attended the Madison, WI performance. She picked up a local free weekly paper, the Isthmus, which carried a good review of the show there, and a picture of TR from the gig. That article's available online, click here to check out the article. In brief, here's a quote from the review;
Reznor's high-dB wrecking crew punched and pummeled a near-capacity crowd into submission with a perfectly paced extravaganza of light and sound that easily qualified as the best arena-sized touring show of the new millennium.
That's what we like to hear :) Also, Commy relayed some news from Yan, who spotted some NIN content in a Japanese graphic design and art magazine, IDEA. In a section dedicated to the world's best artwork in 2000, three pages are dedicated to The Fragile. They showcase two postcards, shots of the LP cover as well as pictures from the booklet. They credit David Carson as the designer, art director, and photographer.