Tuesday April 25, 2000

Fragility v2.0 TOUR JOURNAL

For all of you who have submitted your reviews we thank you and you are about to witness the fruits of your hard work as well as ours.
Allow me to introduce to you the FRAGILITY v2.0 TOUR JOURNAL. A collaboration between the NIN hotline, seems like salvation news,, and Smashed Up Sanity.

The goals of the Tour Journal is to gather all the submitted reviews, photos and tour-related item scans from the four largest NIN fan sites on the net and archive them all in one giant site so YOU the viewer can get the most access to information related to nine inch nails' fragility v2.0 tour.

The tour journal is currently in a Submission-Only status to start with, so please begin re-directing all reviews to so we can process them and add them to the archive. Within the next week the Journal's North America Section will be open for all to see.

Reviews, photos and scans of ANY fragility v2.0 show WILL be accepted, but for more information on that, go to the Submission section of the Tour Journal.

Let's all make this a successful venture! =)