Monday April 10, 2000

NIN To Work With Manson on New Video?

MTV News Reports that Trent Reznor has been out in California filming a video for Starfuckers Inc. And none other than Marilyn Manson shows up in it. This is still in the rumour stages, and this may be a sign that Starfuckers will be the next single. Trent Reznor has said that the next single would be released domestically. Heres what MTV had to say:
Trent Reznor and company staged a shoot in Palmdale, California for the song "Starf***ers, Inc.," during which Manson appeared in drag.

The video's narrative reportedly sees Reznor pulling into a carnival in a limousine. He tries to win a prize for his date, who turns out to be Manson.

A spokesperson for Nothing Records declined to comment on the KROQ report.