Sunday April 9, 2000

Reznor speaks up to Cleveland Plain Dealer

We recieved an email from Dave about a brief interview with TR in today's Plain Dealer paper;
Today's Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper featured a story about NIN on the front page of the Arts section. In it, Trent had this to say:
  • THERE IS A NEW NIN ALBUM ALREADY READY FOR POST-PRODUCTION. "I've almost finished a new Nine Inch Nails record that we did along with 'The Fragile'. There are some lyrics, some singing and some production that still needs to be done, but basically, there's a new record ready to go," said Trent.
  • He is still searching for a female vocalist to collaborate with, and mentioned Sade as being at the top of his current list. "I have a lot of extra music that I'd like someone else to sing. I want to throw different, disparate things together: make a Nine Inch Nails record where Sade is the vocalist -- thematically, lyrically, emotionally and vibe-wise. That's what excites me right now."
  • There's growing rift between him and Interscope. Because of Interscope's bottom-line mentality, Trent is funding the fragility tour himself. "The reality is, I'm broke at the end of this tour, but I will never present a show that isn't fantastic," he said. He also took off on the entire music industry, saying "I don't think there is any kind of committment from record labels right now in an artistic sense to cultivate a band that might be around 10 years later - a Cure, a Depeche Mode, a Jane's Addiction. . . If you're not a Backstreet Boys or you're not a disposable hip-hop act or you're not the 'alternative' to the 14-year-old demographic, like the Limp Bizkits, it's difficult to exist right now."
We don't have a full transcript at this time (If you've got the time to type it up and send it in, we'd really appreciate it) but these are the big three points.