Monday December 26, 2022

Trent and Atticus are guests on Soundtracking with Edith Bowman

Happy holidays! On top of all the soundtrack related news, we've got another treat today: Scottish radio DJ and TV presenter Edith Bowman's got a podcast called Soundtracking with Edith Bowman, and for their latest episode, 344, Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross rejoin to talk about Bones and All and Empire of Light. It's a great conversation about process and collaboration, and working with interesting people.

You might have picked up on me saying, Trent and Atticus rejoin the podcast. That's because just about a year ago, Reznor and Ross were on the podcast to talk about Soul and Mank. This podcast is a great little gem, if you like the behind the scenes view into how movies are scored, whether from the point of view of the composers, directors, actors, and other people that are part of the process.

The links above are to Audioboom, but you can subscribe to Soundtracking with Edith Bowman pretty much wherever podcasts exist - thanks to podcasts being the almost ideal use case for RSS. Speaking of, don't forget that The Hotline somehow still has a working RSS feed as well, which can be found here (at least, until Google finally kills Feedburner - at which point, we'll find a new home for the RSS feed)