Thursday October 24, 2002

Vrenna talks Music & Macs in LA TODAY

He was in the Glendale Galleria on Thursday, and unfortunately I didn't get to update this in time to let you know that until now, but fret not, as Chris Vrenna aka Tweaker (former NIN drummer) will be in LA today talking about "how he uses the Mac [and ProTools] to record, mix, produce and do sound tweaking for his music, producing, game sound design, scoring, and soundtrack work. Plus, there will be a Q&A session at the end where fans can put him on the spot!" You can find him at the Apple store at the South Coast Plaza. If you can't make it out there, you can check out this Apple special section on Chris. Thanks Steph :)

Also worth noting on this subject, we just got word that the Tweaker Store is now fully functional - meaning they accept checks and money orders as well as international orders now. And keep your eyes peeled for another NIN Hotline/Chris Vrenna interview, coming next week!